Please refer to the Admissions Requirements page.
CEN is proud to partner with Climb Credit and Meritize, a private student loan company. Climb works with over 70 partner schools and over 6,000 students.
CEN is affiliated with a nationally recognized and rapidly expanding neuromonitoring company that reviews graduating students when they have job openings. CEN’s staff is very familiar with the field of neuromonitoring and the various opportunities available. Assistance with resumes, connections to clinical recruiting firms and information about where to seek employment are available.
We are located in White Plains, New York.
Hospitals have requirements for operating room clinicians. The credentialing process involves submitting paperwork that states you have the proper vaccinations. Additionally, you must pass a physical, drug screening and background check.
Upon successful completion of our Introduction to Intraoperative Neuromonitoring course, you will receive a stamped certificate stating that you have completed the coursework. Your qualifications will allow you to apply for positions as a Surgical Neurophysiologist with Intraoperative Neuromonitoring companies and hospitals that employ an in-house neuromonitoring clinician.
CEN’s program is unique in that it offers students comprehensive practical training during live surgical cases. Many of these surgeries will count towards your CNIM certification.
CEN is proud that to date, 100 percent of our students who have taken the CNIM examination have passed on their first attempt.
CEN is proud to offer blended learning coursework. Our Introduction to Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring program consists of online learning, hands-on training on equipment in a classroom setting and a phased externship that will have you shadowing instructors and eventually performing neuromonitoring on your own under their supervision.